84. 4 Methods to Implement Gamification to Reach Our Goals
(Episode 2 with Redge Allen)
Welcome back to the second episode of a Monetization Nation interview with Redge Allen. In the previous episode, we went through Redge’s story and how he became a revolutionary entrepreneur. We discussed the importance of building skyscrapers on land we own, creating relationships with our clients, recognizing the lifetime value of a customer, and maintaining credibility and transparency.
In this episode, we will discuss the gamification Redge and I have implemented to help us reach our goals.
Proper goal setting and careful, thought-out plans of action can help us in many ways. They can help us become a better person, spouse, parent, entrepreneur, etc. Redge and his system for gamifying goals has had a big impact on the goals I have set for myself in recent years.
Some of my goals I have tried to do for years, and have failed at for years. But, by implementing a system of gamification, I’ve become more successful with my goals. The inspiration for my goal gamification came from a TEDx Talk that Redge gave, called “5 Minutes of Courage,” which is about habits. You can find the link to his TEDx Talk down below in the “Connect with Redge” section.
This second episode with Redge explores the methods he has adopted in gamifying his goals, as well as in helping others to reach their goals.
1. Identify Behaviors in Setting Goals & Change
Before I set my goals, I ask, “What are the most important things I want to achieve?” Then, I set my goals based upon the most important things I can do to achieve those goals.
“There’s something really powerful about focusing on our behaviors. Writing them down and having evidence of them allows us to see them. It becomes more real and allows for momentum to continue.” — Redge Allen
Redge is also a big proponent of identifying which behaviors he can control in his success.
2. Take Control Where Control Can Be Taken
About ten years ago, Redge used to be morbidly obese, and he had no idea how he would break some of the patterns he had in his life. “I think people set goals and hope they’ll lose 50 pounds. But, that’s a lot harder to control than it is to say. If I spend my effort on things I can control, then I can guarantee success in my own way rather than spending my efforts and resources on things I can’t control.”
Redge then went on to explain that when we identify daily behaviors, it helps move us to who we want to become. That is where the real power is. Redge said, “Sometimes entrepreneurs and others spend so much energy thinking about things that they can’t control that they forget about what daily behaviors will absolutely move them to what they want for the future.”
Say my goal is to make $10,000 a month in recurring revenue. What am I going to do today to make the first $10? What are the things I’m going to do every single day to work toward that goal?
For Redge, one of the tectonic shifts in his life is when he went from being acted upon and thinking that things just happen, to making things happen and having an internal focus of control. He said, “All of a sudden, I realized I can be the author. I can be the creator, and I can have something come from nothing but my actions.”
3. Personal Accountability with External Help
When Redge originally wanted to lose weight, he realized there was something missing. He had the discipline but needed structure to know how to be successful.
“I started using technology to publish my goals or my daily behaviors. I started with a Google document; I’ve later moved on to an app called HabitShare. But basically, I am putting in the daily behaviors I plan to have. I’m then finding accountability partners who care about my success, who are willing to check my goals daily and to see if I completed them. I do the same for them, and it reciprocates that way.”
Redge is one of my accountability partners; I report to him and nine other men I respect that will hold me accountable. Each day I report how I did on my goals in a spreadsheet that they can see.
4. Leverage Consequences
On top of that accountability, Redge uses consequences to make sure he completes his goals. He does this to build trust with himself and keep his commitments with himself. So when he doesn’t complete one of his goals, he has a consequence. For example, if he doesn’t work out one day, his consequence is donating $100 to the politician he dislikes the most. As we can imagine, it’s a pretty strong motivator.
“If the consequence is more painful than the pain of doing a goal, then I’ll do the goal . . . [and] very rarely will I miss.” — Redge Allen
Key Takeaways
Thank you so much Redge for sharing your stories and goal gamification strategies with us today. Here are some of my key takeaways from this episode:
1. Goal gamification is a great way to help us reach our goals.
2. We need to identify the most important actions that will help us achieve the goals that are most important to us.
3. Take control where we can and focus on what is within our control.
4. Do something today and consistently work towards our big goals.
5. Find others who will help by holding us accountable for our daily goals and habits.
6. Leverage positive and negative consequences to help motivate us to reach our goals.
Connect with Redge
If you enjoyed this interview and want to learn more about Redge or connect with him, you can find him on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/redgeallen/. You can also watch his TedTalk “5 Minutes of Courage” at https://youtu.be/ciKYCsEmrFU.
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